7th December, OUG. Discover has been made on this very day, and Malaysia was proud to announce that seven talented teenagers from OUG was qualify to compete on the up coming Asia Open of competitive synchronized swimming. They are indeed the stars on water and with their flawless movements, exquisite performance which astounded all audience. Despite their demure, obesity and lip pouting, however with their courage and absolute team work, I'm sure with them, Malaysia will sweep the gold title. Rumored has it they are working incredibly hard on their routine and from multi sources officially perceive that they are irrevocably undefeatable. Beware that they will ambush every team they saw that very day and bring them down seem to be their top priority. In any way that benefits them, they WILL do whatever it takes to sabotage, manipulate and libel every opponent. Do take precautions that they will prevail over their opponents in this competition, we were well warned. With their undifying skills and preparations they will do their best to indicate synchronized swimming as a major competitive sports in our country. As to this day, their devote, ardour and develop towards this competition in this very particular sport shall be well rewarded. Above all craps and shits (excuse me for not being entirely myself these few days), without further ado I give you Malaysia's first ever male synchronized swimmers >>>>>
Opps, error picture published, my bad. LOL
Let me start this over, introducing Malaysia's
very first male synchronized swimming team
there, much better >>>>>> ain't it laborious !?
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