Yesterday I dare to struggle, today I dare to win.
hey !!
Haha, as if, that's like so not us.
Even if it is, guess you guys will be like '' What !?'' or '' What the.. ''
No, we don't do Debutante, that wouldn't be us.
Explanations are vivid enough.
It was like any other schooling day, excepted that we namely Amanda, me, Denise, Sher Ren, Sue Ping and Ziyan decided to make today's recess a special and a memorable one. Here's the thing, each of us has to bring a homemade dish to school, gabonged and share with joy during recess. So there we were, bright and early this morning, seeing each other bringing paper bags with, of course highly expecting delicious meals for recess. Guess you girls woke up pretty early too right ? 5 am or so ? & I heard some of you were rushing to get your dish ready the day before. Kudos to you :) Well worth.
Rise and shine quite early this morning, compare to usual mornings. It was 4.30 am when I force my self to open my eyes and get a good look on the time. Gahhh too early, I may say. So continued dwelling into the slumber world till 5 am ++, forced my self to get up and head down to the kitchen to prepare my dish. Hang on a sec, am not going in detail about the process of my preparation, it's TOP SECRET ! Don't expect for more, lol just exaggerating, doubt you guys want to know too.
Looks tempting ain't it ? Tasted unusual and beyond delicious with the additional of turkey, didn't expect that to happen. That makes it my very own specialty. While I was like half dozing, cooking and getting everything ready, a friend of mine was doing the same thing as well. Somewhere early in the morning out there preparing PANCAKES. Awww so motherly of her, and not to mention her superior skills by forming each and our capital names on the frying pan.
Macam yes, Ziyan.
* fliping pancakes *
* cooking macaroni *
What's that I heard ? Some one's tossing the salad as well. Ohhh hi Dee. Think the other three girls prepared their dish yesterday. Anyway cut the crap, moving on. We were really impatience during first four period of class. Couldn't wait for the recess bell to ring. Amanda kept complaining her brownies may suck and the rest of us were really hyped up about the whole recess thing. The plan was after the bell rings, grap our paper bags and woossshhh... spun down to the canteen as quick as possible. Like a bunch of kinder gardeners. In the mean time, we saved some for Te Cheng as well. Cause we always get free homemade food from him, how nice.
As we spun down to the canteen, we began to unwrap and open up the tupperwares. Boy... were we super excited and filled with joy back then. Everything happened so quickly due to the 20 minutes time limit we had for recess. Like what Denise and Sher Ren said, it was absolutely fun and memorable. In no rare occasion we jus did this randomly. It was 10 times better than the canteen food we had. No souls offended, sure hope not. As for Amanda's none stop warning and complaining about her brownies, how much they sucked because she forgotten to add in water, haha it turn out to be very wrong. Her chocolate chip brownies were delicious, really. Then followed by Denise with her salad, Sue Ping with her sushi rolls, Sher Ren's chocolate mud cookies, Ziyan's pancakes and my macaroni and cheese + turkey. I can't say exactly which is my favourite, cause all turned to be remarkably delicious.
& so it was, it has been a splendid recess for me and the other fine ladies or like what Sher Ren named us the MAKAN gang. Took a huge risk taking picture in the canteen, yes in the canteen. Sher Ren and Ziyan sangat the brave. After recess was over, we packed out stuff and ta pau a little here and there then went back to class. Though recess were over we were still eating, in class OMGGGGGG !!! Will be having another one soon, most likely after trails. More of it, exit to Dee's or Sher Ren's blogs. Once again thank you girls. :)
We so have to do this again !! <33333
hang in there,
will blog about it completely later ...
Random stuff
Joke okay, don't haunt me now you two.
Words can't describe how much I love you and on top of everything you've sacrificed and done for me and Kenneth, colossal thanks to you, much appreciated. I love you mom, no matter what. What I had to say has already written and said to you personally.so guess that's pretty much it. Once again thank you and I love you. <3