awesome, AWESOMER !!
How long exactly has it been since my last seni post ? *counting fingers* ooo a month ago, that's right. Well actually is more than a month. I've been spending my past two seni lesson or three, prepare for this seni examination in school and to be honest, I do not enjoy it. I find it rather boring, but is some how relevant you know, at least I think I did well. Haven't get my drawing back from teacher yet. We'll see how it goes, been dying to know my practical results, but not theory cause I did not memorize. Any way, I'm like so hyped up today, wanna know why !? Because.....
& what's awesomer !? both of my parents got back from China, and while on their journey back, they brought me Dove, Amicelli !! Me x3 favourite chocolate of all time, =.= I sounded like a kid. Unfortunately I can't unwrap it till next Friday or Saturday, cause if I did, I'll be swallowing half of them in a day already, really.
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